Custom History Book for local equestrian center

Client: Bell Mountain Ranch Equestrian Center, an elite horse boarding and training facility in prestigious Douglas County, Colorado

Role: Creative director, writer, editor, layout design

Tools: Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office

Overview: As part of its inbound marketing and lead generation efforts, the client wanted a custom history book to drive on-site visits, tour registrations, and new boarding registrations. I led a team of researchers, writers, and designers to catalogue the facility’s nearly 100-year old history, write a top-level history about its relationship with the area, and the horse connection woven throughout.

My role in this project’s development

I began by organizing the equestrian center’s documented history. While my staff examined old files from the ranch, I examined historical records through the Douglas County Library’s historical records, both digital and physical.

I organized photos doccumenting 75 years of evolution and change, in addition to photos of the equestrian center before and during site renovations. I created an initial layout and passed it to my design team to refine and finalize.

Once research was complete, I organized and drafted the history book. My team reviewed each section and made edits and revisions. While they revised the text, I generated infographics, timelines, and interviewed former members of the ranch staff.


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